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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

An eventful nite...

It's Wednesday nite, and this means it's combat time for me... So as usual, I headed to the gym, joined combat, had lots of fun and did sweat like a pig hehehe... After the regular green tea afterwards, I went to the sauna... Memanggang diri... Haha

Before I went in, I was thinking that maybe this time I will stay longer than 10 minutes... Just to relax in an 80 degrees celcius room... So I went, and oh yes, my gym buddy Maso was with me all the time... there's this lady with a towel inside... nothing strange yet.. Maso and I sit farther from each other and the lady was kinda in the middle of the room. There was only 3 of us in the sauna room.

All was quiet for a while, then suddenly the lady make a sudden move... Being in a dimly lit room, any movements are very noticeable. So I looked her way, and I think so did Maso... and
I cant believe what I was seeing... her Vah-jay-jay!!!

OMG OMG... Eversince I joined gym, I have only seen topless women walking around in the locker room, but Vah-jay-jay??!! OMG... Both Maso and I were looking at each other trying to hold our laughter... and I think just a mere 5 minutes in the sauna room, we were out. Just can't handle the nudiness of that lady anymore.. I mean after that she kept moving and kept showing more unnecessary skin.

After showering, there's another weird thing happened. We saw this one African lady heading to the sauna... minutes after, she came out and the locker room smells like something burning and there were smoke coming out from the sauna room. I may have shouted (still traumatised with the fire accident last year) and the African lady yelled back "NO!". So I just shrugged and said "Ohh ok", thinking that she was trying to say nothing's wrong. But minutes later the cleaning ladies came running towards the sauna room holding buckets of water in their hands saying "Jahat betul lah perempuan negro nih". Maso and I shot blanked faces at each other. Then the cleaning lady told us that the African lady poured milk onto the sauna stones to generate more smoke... WTF?! And that was not the first time she did that... I just don't understand... the sauna room is averagely at 80 degrees... why does she need more smoke?

Ok people, just need to vent here... I think I have enough craziness for tonite.

P/S - If you're bored, join a gym. And sorry for the 18SX feature. Haha.


RieNa.YuMi said...

hahaha...pity kesian u tonite...after great session with peggy darling...then u have to watch a "wayang free" wahahaha....ok i will remember ur reaction when i asked you bout the free movie...wahaahaha... eeeeiiuuuuu...disgusting betul that lady....bluweeerrrkkkkk.....

LonTugi said...

yesh... tripple bluweeerrkkkkk.....
lucky neither you nor me can remember her face... hahahahaha

Kris and Nadia said...

astaga btul ba? hahaha.. lawak ni... ketawa sya.. sya pun blum pernah pg gym oo.. nanti la tgk wyg free jg..hahaha.. :)

Mama Mia said...

wah..suda la d sauna panas tambah lg ada free show, lagi la panas kan hehe...patut la u all cepat keluar..hihi...

ishh, maybe tu African lady besa buat gitu d negara dia...

memeljoan said...

HahAha...ok wat, tgk wayang free...nnt boleh dijadikan bahan cerita...ekekek, tp sebenarnya ...SOOOTTTT LA ITU LADY...MUAHAHHA

LonTugi said...

nadia - betul ba... pg la join gym... bulih tgk wayang free juga..

mama mia - tu la..sakai btul tu perempuan tu... kacau ja kamiurang mo bersauna...

memel - menderita ba tu urg, memang sot...haha

GC said...

can you take picture ah hehehe just kidding, but after reading your post, i think the lady deserve some kind of punishment ... if i am the cleaner? i'll lock the door let her enjoy the smoke hahahaha biar dia pengsan jan mati la nanti kin susah hahahaha