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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sudden change of plans...

I can't believe it, but I'll be flying back to KK again next Wednesday!!! Soooo unexpected.

It's a long story but I'll try to make it short. It's all about the pre-marriage course/talk. The thing is my partner and I were suppose to take the course this July 17th. Everything was going smoothly until my partner was assigned to go attend a convention in London on the same date. Wargh!!! Tension tension. The most barnacle part was that he can't do anything to change or cancel the trip coz apparently it was already decided by the mother company and otherbla bla bla. O_O

So since we don't have much time until the wedding, we have to find other means to take the course. Search punya search, the most suitable will be the one at Sacred Heart KK this coming June. Out of other possible options, we decided to buy the pricey flight tickets (last minutekan) and contacted the facilitator to register our names.

Luckily, I managed to book a session for PI (I think this stands for private interview) with Father on next Friday as well. I don't know whether this Father (actually it'll be Deacon Rayner, I was told) will be the one who will wed us. So ok la. Attend course and also having the PI with Deacon Rayner.

By the way, is there anyone who could share what to expect from this marriage course / talk? And the PI session... sounds scary. What should be prepared with? Tlg pls... Hehe.

Ok, so tickets bought. Problem left was my part to apply my annual leaves for the trip. See, I just came back from KK earlier of this month... And that was quite a long holiday I had. (Bah, I thought I will only be back home next August or so ma). So I can feel my boss will be mad for me to be absent for another 3 working days (blm + weekend) considering she mentioned she asked me to help in the handover session for one of my colleague who's resigning.

Having no choice but to apply these leaves I proceeded to click my submission and typed an email to explain myself. Dub dab dub dab, she then walked to my place and asked if she can she me for a minute or so. Wah, I was nervous than usual. (I think everybody was nervous the whole day after lunch too. There was this thing happened where one of our colleague was let go on the spot! I don't know what happened. Guess we'll know soon enough) So being called to a room may have triggered some interests to some of my colleagues. Hehehe.

In the room, my boss asked me further about the leave and I explained. Then she proceeded to tell me her plans for the re-distribution of accounts and bla bla bla... So my dear colleagues, no I wasn't sacked or anything.... YET. Hahahahaha. But to tell you the truth, I was so shocked that people can actually be fired just like that. Maybe I don't know the whole story but I do hope the same thing didn't happen to me or the rest of my colleagues for that matter.

So all in all, to whom who took this Catholic marriage thingy before... would appreciate if you could share your experience or should there be any special knowledge that I need to know beforehand. Tx for reading. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ig?ko tia mo tanya sia...?heheheh.. bah bagus bagus kio tem PI tu...