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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sicky rants

I was sick for 2 days... very bad indigestion followed by gastritis... Dunno what food I ate that was un"ngam" with my tummy... sigh...

Anyways, since I was quite bedridden during that 2 days (if i stand up or walk around, the bad stomach cramps will come), I ended up watching a lot of TV. While clicking through the channels, I came across this pretty new movie at Channel 122. So having not watched any malay-speaking movies since I was in Uni, I decided to try to watch the show.

But to my major disappointment there's nothing much changes done to local movies. After trying to watch for about 30 minutes I HAVE to switch to another channel. I hate it when they use "dubbed" voices instead of recording the original voice during their shooting scene. Why do they have to do that? Enlighten me pls?

It's so annoying when the actors keep giving out the stupid sounds like ehm, ahh, ohh (then repeat ehm, ahh, ohh again) just to fill in the gap of silence due to the absence of a real background noise.

Furthermore, most of the time it's like watching a foreign language film too coz the actor's mouth movement was totally different from the word that he/she was suppose to be saying. Get me? Oh well, try to see those pantene / rejoice commercial and you'll understand. I'll bet that if you turn off the sound and ask a lip reader person to read out the dialogue, you will get a different kind of storyline altogether.

So I guess I'll stick to the weekly saturday's cerekarama at tv3 if I really (i mean if really) want to watch a malay-speaking movie. Coz this one they use the original actor's voices recorded at the shooting scene with real background sounds... and eventhough the actors in it are not always the big names but at least the movie delivers better with better sound and doesn't annoy you with the ehm, ahh or ohh. I will only watch the kampung based stories though, those with sad sad drama in it. :D


Anonymous said...

betul tu, nasib la derang inda dubbing itu drama cina pergi bahasa melayu kan..bida oh kan klu sidah muka espanyol, muka portugis..tiba2 bercakap melayu..turn off betul kan.

LonTugi said...

btl ba urangranau... memang bida, kalau teda budget jgn la buat byk2 movie..simpan duit trus buat yg bagus satu kali...banci sia... mo sukung movie buatan m'sia pun susah..