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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day & A bit of Myth?

It's Earth Day today. Like Earth Hour, this is another way of raising awareness in conserving our Mother Earth so that we can continue to live in it.

To be honest, I wasn't aware of it, not until early last week when I came across one article about "meat eater vs vegetarian" in one of the local newspaper at the gym seating area. Guess I was not an avid environmentalist back then. Not that I am one now, but I do want to do something to help addressing the environment issues that we are facing now.

In the article, it was said that being a vegetarian actually helps in curbing our carbon footprints in this world. It has something to do with the amount of energy needed in order to supply us with meats. Won't write much on this cause you can pretty much just googled on any carbon footprint issues to read further. But I do want to point out a challenge raised by the writer, is to not eat meat for a week. Anybody up for the idea?

For my part, there's not much I've done to Mother Earth though. Of late I'm recycling plastic bottles regularly. It's easy, I just store empty plastic bottles and whenever I need to do my grocery shopping I will just bring them along and dump them at the designated recycling bin in front of the hypermarket (*hint Jusco). And I have my cute reusable bag for my shoppings to avoid plastic bag being used. It's a plus that Jusco plastic bags are biodegradable. Same like Fitness First plastic bags. So I can use them (still sparingly though) knowing that they'll recycle themselves in time. Other than that, I am switching of any unnecessary lights and any electrical points must be switched off when not in use. Not much... but I'm educating myself and my partner slowly. What about you guys? Any tips of environment friendly that you want to share?

On a different note, I was watching this "Lost Tape - Monterey Monster & Megalania on Discovery Channel last night and I can't help wondering the genuity of these tapes. Both tapes showed how the life of 2 people ended eaten/killed by these "mythical" creatures, captured on tape. If you did watch these before, the underwater shadowy image of the "monterey monster" was just disturbing and frightening. Tried to google about these tapes and people claims that these tapes were fake. But why did Discovery Channel aired them? They did state though, at the beginning of each tape saying "This story is inspired by the possibility that hidden creatures exist". Personally, I think these tapes are fake too. But a portion of myself wanting these creatures to exist just to add more mysteries to the world. My fav "mythical" monster is the infamous Lochness. :)

So mythical creatures infested or not, Mother Earth is still such a beautiful and amazing world to live in. So do try to do your part to protect our HOME whenever possible. @9779@


GC said...

it's hard to accept 'horror' or 'gory' documentary in this high-tech age as most of it were created digitally, but i agree with you, there's a part of me too that love to see the creature hehehehe

i love the scary/fear feeling :D


Anonymous said...

saya pun tengah cuba2 juga ni ig untuk tolong mother earth kita ni..tua sudah gia dunia kita ni..

xda pla tengok tu di ka?hm..tapi cam best juga kan if benda tu betul2 ada..hahaha..scary monster...